Beluga Baccarat – Estimated delivery dates are Friday February 2nd and Tuesday February 20th 85284 – new window or tab includes seller’s handling time, source zip code, destination zip code and receipt time and depends on delivery service selected and payment after payment Deleted – Opens in a new window or tab. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods.
“Prodotti nuovi in the original confezione, presente un impercettibile graffietto su un bicchiere, … Read more about the seller’s comments “New prodotti in original confezione, presente un percettibile graffietto su un bicchiere, show photo. Brand new in original box, very light scratch on one glass, please check pictures.” Read less about seller comments
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* Estimated Delivery Dates – Opens in new window or tab includes seller’s handling time, source zip code, destination zip code and receipt time and depends on the delivery service selected and receipt of authorized payment. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Notes – Shipping *Estimated delivery dates include seller’s handling time, source zip code, destination zip code and receipt time, and are dependent on the delivery service selected and receipt of confirmed payment. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods.
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In addition to the undeniable quality of the product sold, I appreciated the speed of the shipment, the accuracy of the packaging and the courtesy and professionalism of the seller.
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