Cash Flow Game

Cash Flow Game – If you and your friends are bored at home, why not try the fun and educational game Cashflow? You can learn the basics of managing your own money, which I bet you didn’t learn in school. I’m sure not.

At first glance, a game about personal finance and investing may seem a little scary. I’ve talked before about how I learned to be comfortable with debt through the game and if you read that post you can see some unusual rules.

Cash Flow Game

Cash Flow Game

So, I want to break it down for you so you can understand enough to give the Cashflow game a try and see what you can learn from it.

The Cash Flow Playbook

You don’t have to worry if you can’t get your hands on the game because you can play it online for free here:

You just want to comment and register. It allows you to play only with a 1 player, although it is even more fun with friends!

On the other hand, the online game does not provide any instructions on how the game works so you can see this post as your hands-on guide.

There are also links throughout the post if you click on one and want to go back to the original section, just click below back to your research.

E Game Cashflow 101 & 202& Huge Bonus Robert Kiyosaki [down Load/pc/window]

A reason to play a game, let’s say that this can have big effects on your life and the way you manage your money. It shows important tools for keeping track of your finances that you should learn to do in real life, such as financial statements.

It also allows you to practice behaviors that you may not have tried in real life (investing in the stock market, real estate, etc.) in a risk-free environment where you can learn what works and what it is not.

The way you play the game seems to reflect the way you do it in real life, so it provides valuable information on what you do and don’t know. I found it to be a very simple introduction to important concepts and you can go on to do your own research on how they work in real life.

Cash Flow Game

Most importantly, the game builds your mind. People often find that they see opportunities while gambling that they did not know because they have limited beliefs, lack of faith or lack of knowledge.

Rich Dad Cashflow Board Game (new Edition) With Qatar

There are two parts to the game. The main area represented by the circle in the middle is called the Rat Race, where most of the learning takes place. The goal here is to make your income more than your total expenses.

The idea behind this is that once you reach this stage, you will no longer work to earn money and support your life because your assets provide you with regular income. That’s when you can get to the second part of the game, the Fast Track. I won’t talk much about it because it’s very boring when you’re on Fast Track.

There are two ways you can work your way out of the Rat Race and win the first stage of the game: (1) increase your income and (2) decrease your income, spending. The game has a usage check to show your progress (and financial information to get more information).

You start the game with $0 in past earnings. The word ‘passive’ indicates that you don’t have any motivation to work for money to come in, unlike your time trading for money (income) but no work = no income.

Cashflow 101 Board Game Session

Throughout the game, you will have the opportunity to buy properties that generate good income at regular intervals. It will give you passive income.

Remember that NOT ALL properties generate passive income. For example, buying stocks doesn’t generate any positive cash flow on a regular basis (meaning you won’t have the money to just hold them).

You CAN buy products and hold them until you can sell them for a higher price later, but it is not passive income because there is no real exchange. of money have money that can be used to invest in other assets.

Cash Flow Game

*Note: In real life, you can earn income from stocks through shares, but this game is simple and there are no shares for any stock. Dividends are basically regular payments of money to shareholders – companies that invest can decide whether they want to pay dividends or not.

Cashflow Game Night

Now, buying a home often provides a good cash flow (perhaps from renting while you own it) even though it’s there.

Some opportunities when there is no money or it is not good (it is not worth having property). This is in addition to the money you can get if you sell the property (one-off profit).

To be clear: there is a difference between passive income (always positive income while HOLDING an asset) and one-off income you can get from selling the asset. When you sell an asset, you are also given the money that was provided when you owned it.

There is not much you can do about taxes and other expenses, but you manage other payments. If you have enough money, you will always have the opportunity to pay off your debts. For example, if you have $4,000 you can pay off your debt (liability) and remove $120 from your monthly expenses.

Cashflow Game Chronicles

It’s a good idea to keep checking your tracker to see how far you are from your goal. Sometimes, you can achieve this by paying off debt instead of waiting for an opportunity to increase your income.

This should be enough for you to start testing the game. You can learn a lot as you go. If you want to understand the details of the features of the games, you can stop reading.

The Money Reporting Tool is key to tracking your progress in the game. This includes your total payment dates, your income information and balance.

Cash Flow Game

You can arrive on payday in the rat race (yellow tile). It takes into account your income and expenses and pays the balance.

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Your income statement shows your monthly income (payments plus any recurring income from your savings) and expenses.

The main use of this section is to check the amount of money you get from each asset (you lose it if you sell it!) and try to reduce your expenses as much as possible by paying the same amount. obligation

Assets are things you buy and hold for the money they provide and/or with the intention of selling them at a price higher than what you bought them for. It is important to check the purchase price because it will determine how much you will receive when you sell.

Debts include things you started with (eg car loans, credit cards), as well as money you spent on buying real estate or business space.

Lesson On How To Play Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow Board Game

The two sentences are related. An income statement shows your short-term financial position (monthly income and expenses) while a balance sheet shows your financial position over time (the amount of assets you own and the amount you owe on liabilities).

At the beginning, you can choose “sleep”. This is not important because it only affects the second part of the game when you leave the Rat Race, so it doesn’t matter what you choose.

When it comes to the contract, you can choose between something small or big. Your choice should depend on how much money you have to spare.

Cash Flow Game

When it comes to a market opportunity, there will be an opportunity to sell some type of asset. If you don’t have any assets, they are of no use to you. If you have an asset, you can choose to sell it. It can also come from changes in market conditions such as divisions.

Rich Dad Cashflow Club Groups

Every time you do, you have the option to pay off your debts when you have enough money. It allows you to reduce the budget.

Robert calls these “doodads” (no pun intended). Basically, these are the things you choose to spend money on from time to time. And you have no choice but to pay them.

This game reflects real life, so you can go with it! This means that the company you work for is downsizing and you will lose your job.

Yes, the game also gives you a baby. It adds up to expenses you can’t get rid of (sigh). Thankfully, the maximum number of children you can get in the game is 3.

Cashflow Game Helper Financial Planner

I hope this explains the basics of the Cashflow game enough for you to give it a shot.

Of course,

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