Club Baccarat

Club Baccarat – Influenced by Suzie Wong’s “Shanghai Mod” style, Rule Architects designed the 4,000-square-foot Baccarat Club, located within the Resorts World Casino in New York City. With the help of artisans, Rule Architects infused the space with a Chinese elegant look: hand-hammered copper surfaces, fretwork patterns mirrored on gold leaf walls, and a custom-designed carpet, water wall and lighting and ironwork patterned after an ancient. symbols of prosperity but with a twist of Bond-Girl glamour.

To attract Asian guests and visitors to the high stakes club, we designed a cashier’s cage and carpet in wrought iron that draws on the design of ancient Chinese coins. Lipstick red ceiling lights inspired by cut marks meaning ‘prosperity’, ‘wealth’ and ‘treasure’. In another area, a glowing purple light comes from an elliptical ceiling light, a reference to lotus patterns and the artist James Turrell.

Club Baccarat

Club Baccarat

To overcome a 60-foot wall of windows with no view, we designed a lattice-patterned window film that “decentralizes” across the lot line. The design is “activated” depending on the quality of the natural light. Aggressive Fauvist colors inspired the mosaic-tiled water wall depicting lucky symbols (koi fish and lotus). The rushing wall of water delivers a soft, ambient sound that adds a touch of auditory artistry to complement the jubilation of the jackpot winners.

Baccarat Hotel And Residences

The Architects Rule blurred the boundaries between art and design. Our intense collaboration between architect and craftsman has unleashed the creativity of designers and designers:

A mosaic water wall in motion as a gesamtkunstwerk despite hundreds of individual colored glass tiles, each hand cut, hand colored and assembled like a jigsaw. Lesley Mixed Up Mosaics showed us that anything is possible in her skilled hands.

A bank of “cut glass” windows that appear to disintegrate across the site line and “activate” as if on a dimmer switch depending on the natural light and season. The team at Decorative Films gave us the palette of frost and four shades of gold and the extended design options back and forth.

Mod LED light fixtures that harken back to ancient cutting marks, but which today’s guests treat as their own lucky charms choose to stand under specific Chinese characters that bring them luck before hitting the baccarat tables. The Falken Acrylic laser cut the Chinese characters and created the invisible fasteners.

How To Play Baccarat: Rules, Scoring, Odds, House Edge

Paul Byrne from Ulster Carpet gave us a wonderful color palette to design rugs that feel fresh and reflect the elegant Chinese theme.

Due to the technical knowledge and attention to detail of each of the craftsmen, Rule Architects created a chic Chinese atmosphere with art seamlessly wrapped into the design. Don’t miss the chance to gain global recognition for your work! Submit by January 26 Final Entry → Learn more and enter Learn more and enter Close menu Search Projects Pictures Companies Search Product Brand catalog Magazine A+Awards A+ Product prices Winners Gallery Tech Jobs Shop

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Club Baccarat

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Traveling With Rob

Rule Architects designed a VIP-only baccarat room for Resorts World Casino. The High-stakes Baccarat Club is a 4,000-square-foot space in a larger casino located at Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens. We riffed on the ‘Shanghai mod’ theme and the 1960 film ‘The World of Suzie Wong’. To attract high rollers to the Baccarat Club, we created an eye-catching ‘Great Wall of China’ with an exterior window display of bold, beautiful blue and white porcelain, with an emphasis on curly, oversized pieces. Architects Rule custom-designs the furniture, from the floor (bespoke carpet incorporating a motif of ancient Chinese coins) to the ceiling (red light fixtures that translate in English to read: “prosperity”, “wealth” and “treasure” ). Wrought iron treasurer’s cage was inspired by Chinese fretwork. To create better feng shui, we designed a mosaic tile water feature that displays symbols of good fortune – shiny Koi fish and leafy water lilies (lotus). To overcome a 60-foot window bank with no view, we created window decals that mimic carved glass in the pattern of lattice cutouts and fretwork designs.

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