Mount Casino – Monte Cassino (now commonly spelled Montecassino) is a rocky hill 130 kilometers (80 mi) southeast of Rome, in the Valle Latina, Italy, 2 kilometers (1+ 1⁄4 mi) west of Cassino and 520 meters (1,710 feet) high. Located in the Roman city of Casinum, it is known for the abbey, the first house of the Bedettine Order, founded by Bedetto da Norcia himself around 529. The Order of San Bedetto was born from the community of Montecassino. combine
The Lombard invaders around 570 sacked the first monastery of Montecassino and abandoned it. Almost nothing is known about early mysticism. Petronace of Brescia founded a second monastery around 718, on the recommendation of Pope Gregory II and with the support of the Lombard duke Romualdo II of Bevto. It was directly under the Pope and most of the monasteries in Italy were under his authority. In 883 the Saracchi sacked the monastery and abandoned it again. The monastic community began to reside in Teano and from 914 in Capua before rebuilding the monastery in 949. During the exile the Cluniac reforms were introduced into the community.
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The years 11 and 12 were the golden age of the abbey. He found a vast area of land around Montecassino, the so-called Terra Sancti Bediti (“Land of Saint Bediti”), on which he built villages. He maintained good relations with the Eastern Church, also receiving the support of the Byzantine emperors. He encouraged fine arts and craftsmanship by employing Byzantine and Islamic workers. In 1057 Pope Victor II recognized the abbot of Montecassino as superior to all the other abbots. Many monks became bishops and cardinals, and three popes came from the royal family: Stephen IX (1057-58), Victor III (1086-87), and Gelasius II (1118-19). In this period the monastic history, Chronica sacri monasterii casensis [it], was written by two of his gods, Cardinal Leone of Ostia and Pietro Diacono (who also compiled the cartulary).
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In the 13th century the decline of the monastery began. In 1239, Emperor Frederick II had soldiers captured there during his war against the Papacy. In 1322 Pope John XXII elevated the house to a bishopric but this was suppressed in 1367. The buildings were damaged by an earthquake in 1349, and in 1369 Pope Urban V asked for help from all the Bedettine churches to finance the reconstruction. In 1454 the abbey was placed under commendation and in 1504 it was placed under the Abbey of Santa Giustina of Padua.
In 1799 Monte Cassino was sacked again by French troops during the French Revolutionary War. The Italian government demolished the Abbey in 1866. The building became a national monument and the monks were custodians of its assets. In 1944, during World War II, the site of the Battle of Monte Cassino was destroyed by Allied forces. It was rebuilt after the war.
After the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the monastery is one of the few environments left in the Catholic Church. On 23 October 2014 Pope Francis used Paul VI’s motu proprio Ecclesia Catholica (1976)
To the Abbey, removing all 53 parishes from its jurisdiction and reducing its spiritual authority to the Abbey itself, while maintaining its territorial status. The former territory of the Abbey, with the exception of the land on which the abbey church and the monastery stood, was ceded to the diocese of Sora-Casino-Aquino-Pontecorvo.
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Pope Francis simultaneously appointed Father Donato Ogliari as the new abbot who will be the successor of Saint Bedetto 192.
The history of Montecassino is closely linked to the nearby city of Cassino which was colonized by the Volsci who held the capital of Italy in the 5th century BC. They were the first to build a wall on the top of Montecassino. The Romans conquered the Volscians in the region in 312 BC. The Romans called the settlement Casinum and built a temple to Apollo in the main fortress. Modern excavations have found no remains of the temple, but the remains of the amphitheater, theater and village center show the wealth of the Roman city.
A few generations after the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, the city became the seat of a bishop in the 5th century AD. The lack of strong security in the area was subject to barbaric attacks and was abandoned and neglected with few fighters.
According to the hagiography of Gregory the Great, Bedit, Life of San Bedetto da Norcia, the monastery was built on the ancient pagan site, the temple of Apollo, which occupied the hill. History shows that at that time the area was still pagan; The first thing Beditto did was smash the statue of Apollo and destroy the altar. He reuses the temple, dedicates it to Saint Martin and builds a chapel on the site of the altar dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.
Benedictine Abbey Of Monte Cassino (illustration)
Now the fortress called Casinum is located on the side of a large mountain. The mountain offers shelter to this castle on a large bch. It rises three miles above it as its peak towards the sky. There is an ancient temple that Apollo worshiped according to the ancient pagan tradition of the local farmers. Near it there is a grove dedicated to the cult of demons, where during the harvesting of the forest they also offer impious sacrifices. Then the prophet (Bedict) came, broke the idol, overturned the altar and cut down the grove. He built a chapel dedicated to St. Martin in the temple of Apollo and another to St. John, where the altar of Apollo was located. And he gathered the people of the district to the faith through his incessant preaching [7].
Pope Gregory I’s History of Bedit states that Satan opposed the monks who were renovating the site. In one story, Satan is visibly sitting on a rock, making it so heavy that he cannot remove it until Bedict drives him away. In another story, Satan taunts Bedict and collapses a wall on a sweaty young man, who Bedict resurrects. Pope Gregory also says that the monks found a pagan bronze idol he had unearthed up there (which was thrown into the kitchen and gave the impression of fire until Beditto shot).
Archaeologist Neil Christie notes that it is common in such hagiography for the hero to battle powerful pagan sites.
Bedict scholar Terrce Kardong examines why Bedict did not face serious opposition when he seized the site from local pagans. He compared this to the 25-year struggle with St. Martin of Tours being confronted in western Gaul by pagans, angry at the attack on their sanctuaries: “By the time of Bedictus, paganism was in a weaker state in Western Europe than in Europe. It was the time of Martin and, of course, it must be remembered that Martin as bishop was a more important ecclesiastic than Benedict. the role of missionary bishops in the fourth century.”
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Bedit scholars (such as Adalbert de Vogüé and Terrce Kardong) note the influence of Martin’s Life of Sulpicius Severus on Bedit’s history of Pope Gregory I, including the account of the capture of Monte Cassino. Bedict’s insult to a pagan shrine is reminiscent of Martin’s earlier attack on pagan shrines and the biblical account of Israel’s conquest of the Holy Land (see Exodus 34:12–14). De Vogue writes that “this mountain must be conquered from idolaters and purified from the horrors of the devil. And while conquering Israel, Bedict came precisely to accomplish this purification. There is no doubt that Gregory had this model of the Bible in his mind, as it appears clearly from the terms in which he described the work of destruction.At the same time, neither Gregory nor Bedict could forget a similar step that St. Martin made about the pagan sanctuaries of Gaul.
Pope Gregory I’s tale of Bedetto at Montecassino is seen by scholars as the final location of the legend set in Subiaco. In the first order of him Bedict twice “showed full mastery of his cruelty, now Bedict was permitted to use it without restriction in the service of God.”
Scholars note that this paradox is not what Gregory emphasizes, but rather the fact that both settings are described as part of a single tale of battle with the same demons. Where in Subiaco Satan hid behind his brothers, in Montecassino he threw away his mask to join the desperate attempt to prevent the construction of a tavern, and “the only thing that made the devil’s work explode was suppressing the pagans” to worship in great places.”
While scholars see some parallels between the story of Benedict’s opposition to exorcism and his appearance in Montecassino with the story
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