The Aviator Where To Watch

The Aviator Where To Watch – It’s true that even for me, subjectively, it’s a 4.5-star film. The pacing certainly isn’t ideal, but maybe part of that is because I get so excited when the first half hour or forty-five minutes of a movie go by and then the rest of the movie doesn’t move either. as soon. But despite that, I can’t think of a single moment in this movie that I felt deserved to be cut, or any element that felt too long or not included enough. There’s not a moment in this movie where I thought, “Oh, I don’t need this.” In short, it’s the fastest three-hour movie I’ve ever seen. This is an amazing achievement in my opinion.

I don’t understand why many people still seem to underestimate Leonardo DiCaprio for what he deserves as an actor. I don’t know, I feel like I’ve talked to a lot of people who don’t like this guy, and I can’t for the life of me understand why. Say what you want about the Titanic, but it was amazing. He and Claire Danes were the best part of Romeo and Juliet by a mile. Finally, of course, Inception is a great movie for me, and while that was mostly due to the craftsmanship on display, all of the actors, including DiCaprio, were equally talented. This is one of the first times the Academy has recognized DiCaprio for his work, which is crazy considering his two previous films: Catch Me If You Can and Gangs of New York. Both of these films received enormous praise and Oscar buzz, but went unrecognized. However, he got a chance to shine here in his first nomination for a leading role and he fully deserves it. With his gorgeous southern accent and his dedication to the character’s slow decline, he captures every moment on screen.

The Aviator Where To Watch

The Aviator Where To Watch

Then repeat the task with all other actors. At this point, I’m inclined to consider John C. Reilly as one of the most underrated actors working today, not necessarily underrated, but he wasn’t given credit for some of the great performances he gave to cinema. Alan Alda and Alec Baldwin spend their screen time as ruthless, understated officers, which I think is just Alec Baldwin’s forever type of character, but you know, he’s good at it, so I guess I can’t complain. I was also surprised by Kate Beckinsale in this film, an actress who I otherwise never gave the time to, and yet she proved to be amazing here. Oh, and apparently Gwen Stefani stars in this movie, who… what the fuck?! I didn’t expect her name, of all people, to appear in a Martin Scorsese film.

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However, it would be a sin not to mention, in my opinion, Cate Blanchett’s best performance as Katherine Hepburn. Oh my word, at first I thought this show wouldn’t be for me. When she appeared in her films, she acted very similar to the theatrical Hepburn, and I was very nervous that she would very quickly become very cartoonish and over the top. However, as the film goes on, the façade of this over-the-top theatrical persona reveals itself and layers of the audience disengage from Blanchett’s performance, and I was blown away by her work here. She totally deserved the Oscar, I really liked her performance.

Of course, though, the most dominant aspects of what makes this film so great are Martin Scorsese’s direction, John Logan’s script, Howard Shore’s music, and Thelma Schoonmaker’s editing. All of these elements come together to create an incredible portrait of a man struggling with childhood trauma and uncontrollable compulsions as a result of OCD, and based on primary research my family conducted after the film, many events are depicted in the film. completely accurate. Amazingly, one of those events that you won’t believe exactly how it actually happened was one of the most extreme accident sequences of all time. It’s an amazing performance and, like most of this film, it will be one I will remember for a long time. You could say that Scorsese, Logan and Schoonmaker worked hard to convey to the audience Howard Hughes’ compulsive internal conflict, constant flashing lights and overlapping conversations about the outside world, which creates an incredible picture of a man who struggled with it. lots of personal demons and they certainly didn’t deal with them very well at times.

The Aviator is probably the best Howard Hughes biopic we’ve ever gotten, and probably one of the most accurate biopics I’ve ever seen. Yet it never feels finished, in fact it feels streamlined, even with a runtime of two hours and forty-five minutes. All the performances are amazing, the direction and writing are euphoric, the soundtrack is amazing, the scope of this picture is amazing and I think this movie made me realize that I love dialogue-oriented movies. They have a fast pace. treating dialogue sequences as if they were large action sequences – lots of stakes, everything always in motion, and climaxes always marked. Honestly, this might take my personal spot as my favorite Scorsese film I’ve seen to date. Even though I haven’t seen many of them, I can’t help but fall in love with this one. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and to receive emails from Rotten Tomatoes.

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With a rich eye for period detail, The Aviator succeeds thanks to Martin Scorsese’s typically confident direction and a brilliant performance by Leonardo DiCaprio, who follows Howard Hughes’ rise from eccentric billionaire to lonely, lonely man. Read the critics

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The Aviator Where To Watch

Billionaire and aviation tycoon Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a successful public figure: director of high-budget Hollywood films such as “Hell’s Angels”, passionate lover of leading Hollywood ladies Katharine Hepburn (Cate Blanchett) and Ava Gardner (Kate Beckinsale). ) and an aviation pioneer who helps turn TWA into a major airline. But privately, Hughes remains tormented, suffering from crippling phobias and depression. The higher it rises, the lower it must fall.

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