Why Are My Rummy Nose Tetras Dying – Hey guys. My tank finished cycling last week so I decided to top it up. I bought 7 rummies. Died after entering the tank two hours ago. I spent two hours teaching them using the float bag method.
Can die from stress. Turn off the lights on the tank tonight and check them tomorrow. It may take a few days for them to settle down. I would check all your settings to make sure everything is in order. You can also try giving them small amounts of food, and if they eat naturally, that’s a good sign. If your tests show nothing, I will briefly tell you why.
Why Are My Rummy Nose Tetras Dying
Dman911 said: Can die of stress. Turn off the lights on the tank tonight and check them tomorrow. It may take a few days for them to settle down. I would check all your settings to make sure everything is in order. You can also try giving them small amounts of food, and if they eat naturally, that’s a good sign. If your tests show nothing, I will briefly tell you why. Click to expand… Yeah, I’m sure it was stressful. The lights are off. Four of them go to school now and one is still down there. Four active roomies ate the food I gave them, the other one didn’t move much.
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JJBTEXAS said: In my experience rubber noses are easily stressed. Once they get comfortable with the tank they can be quite robust, but there always seem to be stress issues when introducing a new tank. Many seem to get stomach aches from stress, so be careful. Do you know what kind of nose you have? Click to expand… I’ll keep an eye on the itch, thanks for the heads up! Yes, it’s rhodostomes, confirmed
In my experience, a rubber nose can easily become stressed. Once they get comfortable with the tank they can be quite robust, but there always seem to be stress issues when introducing a new tank. Many seem to get stomach aches from stress, so be careful. Do you know what kind of nose you have?
I have found rummies to be very durable and luckily I have never lost anyone. They are now approaching 6 years and I recently lost 2 of my 7 years. Mine stays in the bottom third of the tank so the behavior you are seeing is not unusual.
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Guys, I Need Help Figuring Out What Killed My Rummy Nose Tetra. I Got It From A Friend, And It Died Within The 4 Weeks That Followed. It Rarely Ever Ate And Eas
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