Youtube How To Play Rummy – When I was staring at the ocean on my childhood vacations with my family, I thought about all the grains of sand coming and going from the shore that looked so different from one day to the next. But after a gap of years, the coastline was heavily impacted by the man-made peninsula of Cape Canaveral. Every few years, they have to pump tons of sand back to shore to regenerate the beach, which has been artificially (and dangerously) eroded over time.
The value of gradual progress is a recurring theme in the books I’ve read or “blinked through” over the past few months. The specifics vary, but the general trend is that lasting change is often incremental and the only right time to start is now, whenever it is.
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Reminds us that small mistakes left uncorrected over time can lead you astray. Conversely, small adjustments (“atomic habits”) can become significant in the long run.
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The advice in these books and others like them is often contradictory, and explanatory claims can be overly presumptuous, such as assuming causation only when a correlation has been demonstrated. But the gist is often the same valuable advice: Be intentional and you can regain control of your life. It sounds easy but it is difficult to maintain in real daily life.
For myself, I’ve found that small tasks and small activities take me hours. When I removed them, I found that I had more productive hours or even better time for myself.
, I can fill my time with new projects or tinkering with the details of an old object rather than thinking too much about a photo that will only be looked at for half a second. Still, sometimes I fall into familiar habits and inconvenient time-wasters. After all, being free from decision making means taking back control over your life. And sometimes I feel like life is quite difficult. How awesome is that? In those scenarios, something needs to change.
Lately, I’ve been allowing myself to create just for fun rather than making money from my creative work. But I still resist the urge to question what I’m doing or try to frame it in light of a potential new product or brainstorm a new side business.
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I have been doing deep and passionate tarot readings for myself, to contemplate life and where it might naturally take me, because I find this intellectually interesting wisdom. But it was also nice to enjoy the experience of spending time with my thoughts, my guides, and my beloved cards.
I read entire books, not just eyelashes, and spent more time with my partner. And I also took a short leave. (Okay, it’s half a vacation because I’m writing this blog post and a newsletter during that time, and I’m teaching two classes during that time and I’ll be working two full days, but it’s still a light schedule for me. Standard.)
During this unusually “unproductive” time, I have been able to learn or at least be reminded of some important things that I want to share with you.
My daily life in 2023 seems fantastical and strange to me in 2013. Some of this would have been completely unimaginable in 2003. And for someone in 1983, let alone talking about 1923? The excerpts will melt the mind.
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If you are 20 years old, twenty years is a lifetime. But if you’re 40 or older like me, 2003 wasn’t
A long time ago. I was an adult (in my mind) and I was making life-changing decisions. However, that was before the iPhone, YouTube, and Facebook. Blogger is also just a few years old. What a different world it is.
– Over six hours of music thanks to the ability to read MP3 files. I can get 100 calling minutes per month on my low-smart phone before racking up additional charges, but text messages are excessive. Send iMessage over WiFi to Asia at no extra cost? Forget the free part. What is iMessage? What is WiFi? (The closest thing is the near-field wireless connection that my bougie school has set up for MacBook users who have purchased the “AirPort” upgrade.)
It’s easy to forget those little things in the flow of life. After all this time, who cares?
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But at the time, these new things were truly remarkable. Until they become normal. And then they are a footnote on the shelf of my memory (many others have been completely forgotten). By the end of the week as of this writing, we expect to see the launch (from the aforementioned Cape Canaveral) of a SpaceX rocket, the majority of which is made of parts printed on a 3D printer. Talk about remarkable. But in a few years, I’m sure it won’t be weird or new anymore.
Take a moment to remember some of the mundane details of your daily life. What seemed remarkable but has now become completely trivial? It’s really something when you stop and think.
For this reason, it can be a useful exercise to look back and think about the different choices you made and where they might have taken you.
I’m not saying this because I think you should regret your past decisions – it’s rarely a good use of your time and energy. From a scientific point of view, the saying “hindsight is 20/20” makes no sense. As many books on decision making have helped me understand, we can only evaluate our decisions based on what we know at the time, not the consequences. The result is unexpected. Even though we are forecasters who predict what is most likely to happen, we can never know how other decisions will turn out.
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Sure, I could call the talent scout from the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency when she handed me her business card in the lunch line. Or I could have called that sketchy guy a “talent scout” when he gave me his business card while passing the makeup counter at the Herald Square Macy’s a few years ago. (Fortunately, there was an even bigger red flag. “Are you at least 18? No? I’m sure we can figure something out.”) I could have studied design graphics instead of anthropology and It is now a popular side skill. i could go on
Another year instead of studying abroad and (possibly) competing in the Junior Olympics. Or I could practice piano and now, you know, play the piano.
I don’t know that it would give me a better life than the one I’m enjoying now. Specific? Perhaps. better? Definitely not.
What I do know is that honestly, I didn’t think about most of those things in the years before I wrote that paragraph because they didn’t matter to me for a long time.
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I also know that in those instances the ghost of past love never appears. Unlike questions related to skills, career development and reputation, reflection is not at all interesting to me.
This is an important evolutionary trait that has helped our species survive. This can be wonderful, such as after suffering a major setback, but it can also be tragic, such as when an important victory loses its luster. We reset to neutral regularly.
That adaptability is what makes small changes so easy to ignore. When we change gradually over time we don’t even realize it. But those changes are obvious to those who haven’t met us along the way. We can also see these changes when we observe things from the outside for a long time. It’s easy to see what’s changed and what hasn’t.
Reviewing your choices to do (or not do) certain things can help you see what has (or hasn’t) changed for you and how you feel about it. This is a useful exercise. But it’s even more useful to think about what was important to you then and what is important to you now. Where is the continuity? Where has the change happened? And are you moving in a direction that works better for you? If not what will you do next?
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Since this is the Year of the Chariot, revisiting those choices intentionally (not in an indifferent and self-defeating way) can help you see where you might want to direct your attention next.
That’s where you have the most control. Yes, I believe you can navigate the river of time to go back, recover and reclaim your past. But still, you can only control what you do with that healing process in the future.
I played the 7 of spades as part of the 4. The 6 of Spades and 8 of Spades can no longer be part of the same suit. Why keep them?
First, I took a plane ride to visit my mom, sister, and stepdad, and putting down the book I was reading, I started playing cards (with the Life Line Lenoracle, if you’re curious). . The woman next to me was clearly bored, looked at me for a while and then asked, “Do you know how to play rummy?” As a result of this question, I was invited
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